October 2020

As it very often happens, it’s the place you live in that you explore the least. Or the last. Even if it wasn’t completely our case, we waited until the last month out our life in Pau before visiting the closest beautiful gems around Béarn. No regrets as the soft October light was perfect for a slow and relaxed cycling trip in the Pau neighborhood.


Salies-de-Béarn was our stop number one. It was still the time when we were completely lost in terms of our blog – should we keep it in its current shape, should we turn it into something different? Without a clear picture in mind, I was at a loss photowise and just captured everything I liked regardless its touristy importance. That was one of the first steps towards the blog transformation.


From 2022 it feels interesting and curious – knowing that just two years ago the names of the towns around Pau consisted our universe. Living in Pau was great. Living in Béarn was fantastic. It felt like a big happiness and priviledge – different from our life in Normandy, but no less happy.

I regret not having taken enough photos of Pau. It’s a pretty town and very important for us given that it’s Xavier’s birthplace. I was naïf to think that the article about Pau from 2015 would be enough. Well, at least we have some more Béarn beauty to show.