May 2022

All thanks to Xavier’s job, we keep coming back to Bordeaux and using the occasion to explore Gironde. In February it was an amazingly beautiful trip around Bassin d’Arcachon, and this time finally Médoc. French administrative division is no less confusing as the one in the UK, but putting things easily, Médoc is a vineyard territoty, which is a part of the Gironde department, which in its turn is a part of Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.


At the age of thirty I started thinking about my wardrobe and how well it matches with the place we travel to. I wonder where I had been all those years of our failed blogging and why my looks consisted mainly of hoodies and jeans? Ah well.

Pointe de Grave

In the context of the current Russian-Ukrainian war, every object connected to the war is the source of limitless conversations and pondering. Thus, we spent a long while on German bunkers that are generously spread along the Atlantic coast and further. We saw the same masterpieces of architecture in Normandy and Denmark and now it is all seen under a different light. Now it makes us vomit.

Sleeping next to the ocean with the insane light will never be smething mondain. Every time we enjoy it as if it were the first time, and how could it be different? Especially when we no longer needed heavy blankets to keep the cold away.


Imagine people who decided to go to the wine land and finally visit some of those famous chateaux from Bordeaux. Got it? Now imagine out of all days of the week choosing Sunday for this visit. Yes, it’s us. Please, don’t laugh. We imagined wine tasting while pretending we knew everything about it but in reality we cycled 42 kilometers around a good dozen of different châteaux and… that’s it. Because all of them were closed obviously.

I guess we might still call it success. We received our portion of beautiful landscapes, tasty food and fresh air but as for real châteaux tour… Meh. We might have to return to one of other “pays viticoles bordelais” to get that tipsy experience.

In the meantime we can always come back to our memories of Champagne where we kind of managed the proper tasting!  🍷